Thursday, August 16, 2007


So many projects on the table, so little direction. So much to say, so few means with which to say. Other days it is the opposite: So little to say, yet so much means with which to say it. I hit tab a few times in my SSH window and consider the list of 1877 possibilities. Commands I'll never use, functions whose purpose I will never know. There is 'tic,' a command whose man page is a wall of unfamiliar words. Why do I have the 'sb' program? Oh, to transfer files via ZMODEM, of course, which I haven't done in 13 years. Good to know the functionality is there should I get a phone call from a BBS in the past. I type 'history' at a command prompt and see the list of mundanities that are my recentness. Commands (tail -f, pico, perl -e, vi, uptime, w, grep) repeated and repeated until they form a tower of null, a sky-high column of forgotten keystrokes, tasks of microscopic significance consuming the meta spaces of my life. Here is to another day of feckless endeavors.

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